Members' Guidelines



Tuesday, Wednesday (Social), Friday

Afternoon                        Players MUST be seated by 12.50 pm

                                         Play begins at 1.00 pm

Every effort will be made to complete afternoon sessions by 4.00pm. No new rounds are to be started after 3.50pm unless agreed by all players.


Tuesday, Thursday

Evening                           Players MUST be seated by 7.20 pm

                                         Play begins at 7.30 pm.

Every effort will be made to complete evening sessions by 10.30pm. No new rounds are to be started after 10.20pm unless agreed by all players.




Unless sitting or moving rights have been assigned, one person from each pair will toss for seating before play commences. The winning pair will sit N/S. Notwithstanding, the Director has the right to assign seats and grant sitting rights.



If there is a half-table in the session, the last complete pair to arrive sits at the phantom table (normally table 3) and the director will toss for sitting position.



The same person may visit five times per year, otherwise a full subscription is due. Visitor table money is $5.00 per session.



Members should wear their name badges at all times. This helps all members but especially new ones and promotes a more friendly atmosphere.



See programme book rules for when substitutes are allowed.  

Where the number of qualifying sessions is less than the total number being played then the eligible substitutes are those that play first.



See the notice board for current grades and handicaps. An ‘A’ grade player has a negative handicap and a ‘B’ grade player has a zero or positive handicap, as calculated at the beginning of the year.



The Director is in full charge of the play and the Director’s ruling always applies, subject to the right of appeal (Law 92).

Directors are to:

  1. Announce the number of boards to be played
  2. Call the move and ensure West moves immediately
  3. Keep noise to a minimum
  4. Discourage slow play - persistent slow play to be penalized
  5. Use the electronic timer if desired
  6. Control heating and ventilation
  7. Advise the scorer of any score amendments



  1. DO greet players courteously and give an outline of your system and special features (pre-alert).
  2. DO wear your name badge at all times.
  3. DO Practice Active Ethics. When asked for an explanation, give full details of your partnership agreement.
  4. DO bid and play to time. Endeavour to catch up if behind. Claim when you can, stating your line of play.
  5. DO call the Director for all infringements.
  6. DO accept the Director’s ruling without argument. You may lodge an appeal if there is a Demonstrable Bridge Reason.
  7. DO silence or turn off your mobile phone. 
  8. DO congratulate opponents’ good play.
  9. DON'T criticize your partner's or opponents' play or bidding.
  10. DON’T badger, profane, insinuate, intimidate, gloat, threaten, etc.
  11. DON’T attempt to adjudicate an irregularity. Call the Director.
  12. DON’T detach a card from your hand prior to your turn to play.
  13. DON’T interfere with any player's enjoyment of the game.



The director must be called to rule on any infringement and scoring errors during play. The director’s ruling may be appealed and if not accepted, the complaint can be forwarded to the NZCBA on rule technicalities.

Rudeness or unbecoming conduct and other breaches of proprieties will normally be a Club matter and may be reported confidentially to the RECORDER.



Players are requested to:

  1. Tidy the tables and the room, and close open windows.
  2. Rinse used cups and glasses and place them in the dishwasher tray.
  3. Leave chairs straight.
  4. Return boards and tablets as requested by the Director